✨ Vêtements et accessoires de mode pour femmes; Vente en ligne Donna Più Firenze ✨
Livraison Offerte à partir de 59,90€

Frais d'expédition

Here is some useful information for shipping to Extra-EU that I would like to share with you:
- It is very important that both the surname and last name you use for your order matches the one displayed on your doorbell. If your name is not displayed on the doorbell, we would recommend to stick a piece of paper with your name on it.  This is just an extra measure to make sure you receive your parcel, otherwise it may come back to us and unfortunately we wouldn't be able to refund the shipping costs .
- From the 1st January 2021, orders from and to the United Kingdom are subjected to custom fees. You can find more about them on the Government website.
- For all orders that for any reason should be returned to our warehouses, the value in euro of the ordered goods will be refunded minus the expenses that Donna Più Firenze had to incur for the return of the goods.
Note this information is valid for shipments to Great Britain -  United States and Canada only, for other extra EU countries please send an email to donnapiufirenze@tiscali.it